Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 Bookcase Project

As a goal/challenge for myself this year I'm reading 50 books.  I started thinking this morning when I passed my neat and organized bookcase that I haven't read the majority of the books I have, or if I have read them it's been so long ago that I can't recall what I read.  Thus I decided that I was going to read all of my books in my bookcase this year as well as the ones I've been eyeing in my mom's library.

For now, there's no more weekly library trips.

Here's the list of books that I added to GoodReads that I'll be reading this year from my bookcase.  I have a feeling that as I go through the books that I will eventually take a few into a local bookstore and trade them out. Although, there's a large portion of them I know that I won't trade but just push to the side and keep even longer to enjoy reading them all over again.

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